26 Mar 2017

Centennial Park Top Car Park.

It was a grey moody day yesterday and I had an hour or so to kill. I wasn't feeling too well, so shopping was out. I went up to Centennial Park and sat in the car sketching the view of the Saddle Back Rock and Paritutu Rock. It was raining on and off. Hopefully I've caught the moody colours.

Pencil and watercolour. I'm quite liking going across both pages of my Moleskine Sketch Book.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie. Penny here ex Real Tart an age ago! How do I find out more about your urban sketching group - I e. When & where u meet etc. I do pencil drawing & pastels, but the freehand drawing concept appeals, as a group even better! My text number 021 256 3176
